Give the gift of a bright future!

This Christmas, you can change the lives of children with the gift of an animal or help them develop in other ways with your gift for scholarships, clothing, food, educational materials, spiritual development, or a variety of other needs–because a promising future makes a wonderful Christmas gift.

Give An Animal

When you give the gift of an animal, you will provide positive learning experiences — and the strong work ethic they create often lead to college scholarship opportunities!

Bring A Child To The Farm

Give part or all of the cost of bringing a child to Happy Hill Farm. Designate your gift for an area in which you have a special interest.

Wise Man's Treasure

The Wise Man’s Treasure is a wonderful way to share the giving spirit of the wise men with those you love. These 3 gifts are all very special to the kids at Happy Hill Farm — and are made in honor or memory of someone special to you. 


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